Double-Monk Strap
Domestic Kip Leather / No. KI 23, D-Brown
Price ¥53,000+tax
Side-Laced with Plain Toe
Domestic Steer Leather / No. Ste 13, D-Brown
Price ¥53,000+tax
Balmoral Plain Toe
Domestic Enamel / No. EN 10, Black
Price ¥53,000+tax
Single-Monk Strap with Capped Toe
Domestic Suede Leather / No. SU 13, D-Brown
Price ¥53,000+tax
Side Laced with Apron Front Derby
Domestic Suede & Domestic Velour / No. Su 15 & Ve Tobacco
Price ¥53,000+tax
Single-Monk Strap
Domestic Velour / No. VE Brown, Brown
Price ¥53,000+tax
Apron-Front Derby
Domestic Kip Leather / No. KI 20, Black
Price ¥53,000+tax
Plain Blucher Oxford
Domestic Cordovan Leather / No. BLACK
Price ¥103,000+tax
Double-Monk Strap with Capped Toe
Domestic Waxed-Leather / No. KIW10, Black
Price ¥53,000+tax